HASP Drivers

SAFI - Structural Software

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Solving an issue related to the HASP Drivers

This page offers a comprehensive guide detailing the step-by-step process regarding three (3) options to solve an issue related to the HASP Drivers. We strongly recommend reading each step attentively to ensure a smooth experience.

Options available:

If the HASP Drivers have not been installed, please directly refer to Option 3.

Option 1: If the HASP drivers have already been installed, attempt restarting them.

Step 1. Access the License Manager utility (License Update) in administrator mode.
The drivers can be restarted in the License Manager utility accessible using the License Update shortcut from the Windows menu. This shortcut can also be found in the SAFI folder in the All-programs menu.

The drivers can be restarted when selecting the option run as administrator).

Step 2. In the License Manager utility, click on the blue circular arrow to the upper right.

After clicking on the blue arrow, you should receive a message indicating the service has been restarted successfully.
Please note, you must restart the application for the changes to take effect.

You may close the License Manager utility and launch the software.

Option 2: If the HASP drivers have already been installed, attempt restarting them via the Services menu.

If you were unable to restart the drivers in the License Manager utility, you may try going in the Services application (select the option run as administrator).

Step 1. Access the Services application in administrator mode.

Step 2. Find the Sentinel LDK License Manager

Step 3.  Right click on it to access the Properties menu.

Step 4. In the General properties’ menu, select the Startup type as Automatic.

Step 5. Click on Start.

Option 3: If the HASP drivers have not been installed previously, please proceed with installing the drivers.

If you are unable to locate the Sentinel LDK License Manager on your computer, it is possible the service has not been installed.

If this is the case, you can install the HASP Drivers using the link provided by email when you have received the software download links.

The link to download the drivers is in the following format: HASPUserSetup.exe

If you are unable to locate the link provided to download the Drivers, please communicate with license@safi.com to request a new link.

Require further assistance with restarting the HASP Drivers? Reach out to our licensing support team.